
Showing posts from July, 2017

Top 10 WORST Ways to Hire Software Engineers

"What is your favorite color?" In no particular order, here are the Top 10 WORST Ways to Hire Software Engineers: Filter With Obscure Computer Science Questions "Before we interview they have to answer these questions three!"  Filters are great, but if your tech filters are questions that contain the words "bitwise", "how many bits", "fizz", or "buzz" just STOP!!!  StOp It nOw!  If it can straight up be Googled by anyone, it's not a good filter.  It's like interviewing a carpenter and asking what a phillips screwdriver is (carpentry is a skill not a set of memorized knowledge).   "Well, they can't google it in the interview."  Right, but this isn't the first interview they've had so they may have already.  Also, you may have Elon Musk sitting in front of you, but he forgot the main differences between a Java HashMap and TreeMap.  You'd rather have an Elon who can learn and ...

"Agile-Waterfall": Doing flips over Niagara

October 24th 1901  Annie Taylor was the first person to conquer the falls in a barrel. After climbing inside her airtight wooden barrel, the air pressure was compressed to 30 p.s.i. with a bicycle pump. After the experience Annie described how it helped to go down 10 meters, turn, go back up, then down, flip, then stop midair, think about it and realize she forgot her barrel, then she went to the top, got in the barrel, and then went down again, stopping periodically to check and see if everything was alright. "...she would fall straight down at the same velocity." Absurd?  Well, then why is there a thing called "Agile-Waterfall Methodology" (AWM)?  Isn't it just as absurd?  In reality, if Annie attempted the above, she would have been trying to talk, stop, go up, but in the end she would fall straight down at the same velocity. "Ever feel like these meetings produce zero action?" Well, in AWM we do the same thing.  We a...